Candidate for Serrano Park Community Association Board of Directors, 2021-2022
Why would you like to serve as a board member?
I have previously served on the Board as Treasurer and have become concerned the current Board of Directors is not managing nor employing the resources of the Association in a manner which benefits the majority of the home owners. Assets actually used by homeowners are not being maintained nor improved while emphasis and finances are directed to the addition of trees, not used by home owners.
What is your background?
Served as Treasurer for the Serrano Park Home Owners Association from 2015 through 2018. 40 plus years of business experience in technology marketing and project management. Bachelor of Science Degree – Mechanical Engineering – University of Southern California Masters of Business Administration Degree – University of Southern California
What is your vision for the community and what would you like to accomplish during your term of office?
I would like to see a modernization of our lighting systems for the pools and tennis courts. Conversion to LED based lighting will provide longer life and lower costs for these lighting needs. Also, pool furniture needs refurbishment. lt has been over three years since these items were last addressed. The pools are our most used assets and currently require additional umbrellas to replace past losses. As gas utility costs are rising the pool heaters should be reviewed for possible replacement with more efficient units. Additional funding should be provided to the Social Activities team to fund more community activities. The Landscape Committee should be reestablished to allow participation of non Board members with specific knowledge and skills related to landscaping design and management. Facing potentially severe drought conditions requires attention to our landscape irrigation systems to assure efficient coverage with our water resources. Landscape committee members can focus specifically on issues and present
recommendations to the Board for action.