Recommended Reading

Arboriculture Standards:

  1. ANSI A300 (Part 1)-2017, “Tree, Shrub, and Other Woody Plant – Pruning”
  2. ANSI A300 (Part 3)-2013, “Tree, Shrub, and Other Woody Plant – Standard Practices (Supplemental Support Systems)”
  3. ANSI A300 (Part 6)-2017, “Tree, Shrub, and Other Woody Plant – Standard Practices (Transplanting)”
  4. ANSI A300 (Part 9)-2017, “Tree, Shrub, and Other Woody Plant – Standard Practices (Tree Risk Assessment a. Tree Failure)”
  5. ISA 2019, “Best Management Practices – Tree Pruning, Third Edition”, Lilly, Gilman, & Smiley
  6. ISA 2014, “Best Management Practices – Tree Support Systems, Cabling, Bracing, Guying, and Propping, Third Edition”, Smiley & Lilly
  7. ISA 2014, “Best Management Practices – Tree Planting, Second Edition”, Watson
  8. ISA 2017, “Tree Risk Assessment Manual, Second Edition”, Dunster, Smiley, Matheny, & Lilly
  9. ISA 2013, “Best Management Practices – Tree Inventories, Second Edition”, Bond
  10. ISA 2016, “Best Management Practices – Integrated Pest Management, Second Edition”, Bond
  11. USDA Forest Service 2010, “Tree Owner’s Manual”
  12. “Evaluating Tree Defects, A Field Guide”, Ed Hayes, Safetrees, LLC

Arboriculture Reference Texts:

  1. “Arboriculture, Integrated Management of Landscape Trees, Shrubs, and Vines, Second Edition”, Richard Harris, 1992
  2. “Pirone’s Tree Maintenance, Seventh Edition”, Hartman, Pirone, & Sall, 2000
  3. “The Body Language of Trees, Encyclopedia of Visual Tree Assessment, 1st Edition”, Mattheck, Bethge, Weber, 2015
  4. “Ecology and Silviculture of Eucalypt Forests”, Florence, Australian National University, Department of Forestry, 1996
  5. Street Trees Recommended for Southern California, Third Edition”, Roth, Boroditsky, Darakjy, Roger, & Sappington, Street Tree Seminar, Inc.
  6. “An Illustrated Guide to Pruning, Third Edition”, Gilman, 2012
  7. “Insects That Feed on Trees and Shrubs, Second Edition, Revised”, Johnson, Lyon, Koehler, & Weidhaas, Cornell University Press, 1991
  8. “Diseases of Trees and Shrubs”, Johnson, Lyon, & Sinclair, Cornell University Press, 1996

Other Books:

  1. “Smithsonian Handbooks – Trees”, Coombes, 2002
  2. “Dirr’s Hardy Trees and Shrubs, an Illustrated Encyclopedia”, Michael Dirr, 2003
  3. “Trees, The Mechanical Design”, Mattheck, 1991
  4. “The Hidden Life of Trees”, Wohlleben, 2018