Social Committee Report 2021-2022

Judi Glass, August 2022

The mission of the Social Committee is to facilitate interaction among Serrano Park residents by providing a variety of inclusive enjoyable events to foster camaraderie, friendship, and promote a sense of community.

The Serrano Park Social Committee is composed of several members of the community.  Currently, there is a committee chair and six (6) other members that help plan out the activities thru the year.  We vary the activities, as we are serving many different demographics here in the neighborhood (retirees, families, teens, singles, couples). We encourage community volunteers for our larger events to keep the cost of these events down.  We are always looking for others to join us in the planning process.  We also encourage neighbors to start their own social groups or activities (book clubs, bunco, game nights, studies, tennis, progressive dinners, etc.).

We have a yearly budget that the board approves to cover event expenses, We are constantly trying to find ways to keep expenses down or charge fees for some events to offset costs.

We advertise our events currently in three places:

  • Keystone provided newsletter (monthly)
  • website (list of all events and links for tickets and other info) and those are also listed in this site’s newsletter that comes out a few times a month if people opt into receiving the emails.
  • Serrano Park facebook page (for Serrano Park residents only, daily updates as needed)
  • Posters, signs, and fliers.

Future Events:

There are no upcoming events.

Past Events: