There have been a lot of complaints about the graffiti in the Upper Cipres Channel.

This is a few feet on the other side of the HOA property line, but neither the city nor the property owners would do anything about it, suspecting that it was put there by Serrano Park Kids. There is no proof of this yet, but they may be right. This graffiti has gotten worse in recent months.
The Landscape Committee organized a small group of volunteers armed with a pressure washer, blow torch, and paint rollers to clean it up.
It was a lot of work, but it looks far better now. We hope it stays that way.

Graffiti is a Serious Crime in California
California Penal Code 594 lists graffiti as a form of vandalism and it carries serious fines and incarceration. Anyone observing someone vandalizing property, are asked to contact the Lake Forest Non Emergency Dispatch: (949) 770-6011. Supplying photos is always helpful.