Landscape Seminars and Workshops are being Planned

We are facing a lot of issues in Serrano Park related to our green areas.  The Landscape Committee is working on solving these issues and would like to share what we are learning with the community in a series of seminars we will be hosting.  We are lining up guest speakers that are among the top authorities in Orange County to speak on various topics and answer questions.  Landscape Committee members will be available to discuss how these topics effect our green areas specifically and some of the solutions we are working on.

Some of the possible topics include:

  • Urban Forest Management Practices
  • How Good UF Management Practices Maximizes Property Value
  • Urban Tree Mortality
  • Water Conservation and Drought Planning
  • Street Tree Management
  • Pest and Disease Control
  • Rebates for Landscape Upgrades
  • Irrigation and Erosion Issues
  • Themed Area Management – Re-imagining Our Green Spaces

Mike Davison