New HOA Irrigation Restrictions are Coming Soon

As part of the on-going program “Making Water Conservation a California Way of Life”, the California legislature is expected to pass additional rules and restrictions later this year. Currently, these restrictions impact HOAs more than they do homeowners.

As you probably know, the Serrano Park HOA Board, working with the Landscape Committee is trying to stay in front of this. The restrictions include bans on most turf irrigation and is being expanded to include mandatory turf removal and certification of compliance with stiff fines.

More on the rules and restrictions HERE

Currently, we are utilizing available rebates to upgrade our property:

  • Stay within compliance without the need to resort to special assessments.
  • Greatly reduce our water consumption and conservation techniques.
  • Improve the walk-ability and esthetics of our community’s green spaces.
  • Create small rest areas and family event spaces.
  • Improve the management of our green spaces.

More on our projects HERE