Board Candidate Applications Due
Candidate applications for the HOA Board must be submitted by July 29.
Irrigation Mandate in Effect
We must immediately stop irrigating non-functional turf.
Family Fun Day was a success!
Irrigation Supply Problem
Our water pressure is currently too low for our sprinklers to work properly in Sendero Channel.
Street Trees are being trimmed
Today, Andre Landscape will be trimming certain Brazilian Peppertrees.
Special Ballot
Special Ballot – Vote by May 27
The HOA is Trimming Trees This Week
Great Scott Tree Service will be trimming 275 of our larger trees from March 21-25 through out the HOA.
Landscape Seminars and Workshops are being Planned
We are lining up guest speakers that are among the top authorities in Orange County to speak on various landscape topics.
Thanks for the Urban Forest Management Lessons
Few people understand how much we have changed in the way we manage our large trees these days and how much Scott Griffiths of Great Scott (and others) have taught us in the Landscape Committee that influences this.